A Tam in Australia

Sunday, March 25, 2007


It is a new year. Life is good. My friend Mary has an amasing thumb. It's GREEN! Last week, we got stuff for my garden spaces. Eventually there will be photos of the back patio to show you if the following things survived my BLACK thumb:
broccoli, sage, thyme, chives, leeks, asparagus, fennel, baby beetroot, oregano, cos lettuce, mizuna, basil, mint, violets, pansies and seeds for: sweet peas, nasturtiums, alyssum, forget-me-nots, and wildflowers.

I also picked up a bottlebrush and banksia tree at an expo in Darling Harbour yesterday.

Wish me and the greens luck!



At Tue May 01, 02:27:00 PM GMT+10, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to see pictures of your garden! I just planted some stuff in my window cell, mostly herbs. P

At Tue May 01, 02:39:00 PM GMT+10, Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way, I've never, never, been successful with the sweet peas, they always come out lanky and with no scent, we'll see this year with the WF seeds.
I remember from 15 years ago at a friends garden in Scotland, they make good cut flowers and they had a wonderful fragrance. P


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